The US says it will provide Ukraine with an additional 725 million dollars for military aid


United States: Additional funding of 725 million dollars for Ukraine’s military aid has been announced by the United States. The US announced a third pullback of US arms and equipment for Ukraine since August 2021 on Friday amid the escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine following the Crimea bridge attacks.

Additional weapons, ammunition, and tools from the US Department of Defense inventory are part of this drawdown. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated in a statement that this new support will raise the entire amount of US military aid provided to Ukraine since the start of the Biden Administration to an unprecedented more than 18.3 billion dollars.

He added that the US would keep supporting the Ukrainian people and that the capabilities being given were carefully chosen to benefit Ukraine the most on the battlefield. At a news conference in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that any direct conflict between NATO forces and the Russian army would result in a worldwide catastrophe.