THE WHISPERING STAR : A Book of Modern, Mystical Short Stories by Pamarty Venkataramana


India has after a long time given the world of English Literature a Classical Writer.  Pamarty Venkataramana is an awarded Poet and acclaimed Jurist. ‘The Whispering Star’ is his first Book of Short Stories, being released in London. This Book comes under the realm of Mystic and Spiritual genre. Very pacy, interesting, intriguing,beautifully penned works which both titilate as well as educate the reader, this is a tribute to the perennial spirit of Humanism & Divinity that defines ancient civilization of India. 

The Author is a member of the Honourable Supreme Court of India Bar and has pledged all his earnings from Literature for education of underprivileged Girl children in Asia and Africa.

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‘The Whispering Star’ revolves around bringing back fallen societal mores to original DNA of Sanatana Dharma which ,if loosely translated into English language would mean ‘Universalism’. The first story in the book narrates how a Pope visiting India discovers truth of all spirituality in words of a young boy. There are two specific stories devoted to describing real life anoobhooti or mystical experience of the Author himself which upholds faith in a Jagatjanani or concept of ‘ Mother Universe ‘. All the other short stories too have helped ignite spark of interest and inculcate personal values for leading a harmonious life in a chaotic world of this age and time. It was published from Europe where it is being well appreciated and has received critical acclaim. SanatanaDharma is the mantra to reset a bickering world today.

Spiritual Poetry is invariably my forte and my style of expression though there are a few children’s rhymes and other satirical poetry works. India has always been home to diverse forms of art and literature. This continues to this day maybe not all book publishers or segments of readership patronise poetry as a form of mass media communication but the genre deserves qualitative works to become more appealing to society immersed in a social media age.

Jaipur Literature Festival has been a major event in the sub-continent. It has its own magnetic charm but has begun to outgrow the stereo-typed list of invitees as Speakers which is a major step towards growth for any Literary annual event anywhere in the globe. Literature has throughout the ages of time helped Mankind turn into an enviable Civilisation of minds. It is the driving force behind every revolution and fall or growth of every society. History remains a living witness. 

Mindsets of authors of all genres of writing as also that of publishers of works of literature plays a pivotal role. Free minds,free spirits and freedom of expression compete with more vociferous right to speak. The balance struck on this count accounts for change in literature styles and decadence or progress of any society, be it in a democracy or other forms of governance.