The administration plans to hold “Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye” in Higher Education establishments around the nation in order to guarantee that young people participate in elections with awareness and compassion. Encouraging young people to cast ballots and emphasizing the value of voting for the country’s overall welfare are the initiative’s key goals. Up until March 6th, the program will continue.

The nation’s youth have been exhorted to speak up by Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan. He emphasized the urgent appeal made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the nation’s youth and first-time voters to cast lots of ballots. Mr. Pradhan stated that in order to mobilize Yuva Shakti, he has ordered all of the nation’s higher education institutions to organize extensive voter awareness campaigns on their campuses. The project is a symbol of the value of elections and the satisfaction that comes with casting a ballot in the biggest democracy on earth.