The government has chosen to spend 4,797 crore rupees to implement the comprehensive PRITHvi VIgyan (PRITHVI) project. The Union Cabinet made a decision in this regard today. The programme consists of five active sub-schemes: Ocean Services, Modelling Application, Resources and Technology (O-SMART), Polar Science and Cryosphere Research (PACER), Seismology and Geosciences (SAGE), Atmosphere and Climate Research-Modelling Observing Systems and Services (ACROSS), and Research, Education, Training and Outreach (REACHOUT).
In order to document the vital signs of the Earth System and change, the Prithvi Scheme aims to supplement and maintain long-term observations of the atmosphere, ocean, geosphere, cryosphere, and solid earth. It is also meant to be used in the creation of modelling systems for comprehending and forecasting climate, ocean, and weather dangers as well as comprehending the science behind climate change.