Health benefits of Muskmelon Seeds


We usually throw away seeds encased in fruits. A lot of fruits’ seeds can be consumed in different ways in our food and one such fruit with seeds that has countless health benefits is melon.

It is a great hydrator for your body and skin and keeps the heat at bay. Carrying a good amount of fibres, it is also rich in magnesium, vitamin A and phosphorus that helps fastening the process of losing weight. Maintaining good gut health is equally important and these seeds help clean your gut and also act like a dewormer.

Screen fatigue during these trying times can be of great concern and we all should take proper care of our eyes. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two carotenoids present in seeds, which works wonders for your eyesight.

Melon seeds after being taken out from the fruit and dried in sunshine for a few days can be eaten as snack or used as a garnishing element in sweet dishes.