A contingent of the Indian Army departs for the 13th India-Thailand Joint Military Exercise MAITREE.


The Indian Army contingent left for the 13th India-Thailand joint military exercise MAITREE, which is being held at Fort Vachiraprakan in the Tak Province of Thailand from July 1st to July 15th.

Yesterday was the Contingent’s departure. The Indian Army’s 76-man contingent is primarily represented by a battalion of Ladakh Scouts, according to the Ministry of Defence, with men from other weapons and services as well. There are also 76 members of the Royal Thailand Army contingent, the most of whom are from 1st Battalion, 14 Infantry Regiment, 4 Division.

The purpose of Exercise MAITREE is to promote military cooperation between Thailand and India. According to the Ministry, the exercise will improve combined capacities for carrying out Joint Counter-Insurgency and Counterterrorism Operations in Urban and Jungle Environments in accordance with Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Joint planning, joint tactical drills, and a high level of physical conditioning will be the main objectives of the exercise.