A Conference on future enterprise surveys is held by the MoSPI’s National sample survey office


A symposium on future enterprise surveys around the nation was held in New Delhi today by the National Sample Survey Office. The conference’s main goal was to interact with different business associations and stakeholders to talk about surveys that will influence how people perceive India’s commercial and economic environments.
During the meeting, there was discussion of five significant enterprise-related projects from the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation. These programs include the Economic Census, the Capital Expenditure Survey, the Annual Survey of Industries, the Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises, and the Annual Survey of Service Sector Enterprises.

These surveys are intended to give an annual snapshot of the non-agricultural sector of the economy, according to NSSO Director General Geeta Singh Rathore. They also act as a crucial input for assembling GDP and GSDP numbers, supporting macroeconomic estimates.
The poll will give a detailed picture of the employment situation in the nation, according to Amit Nirmal, Deputy Director General (Employment) in the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
According to Mukesh Mohan Gupta, president of the Confederation of Indian Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (CIMSME), the government asked for proposals from the business community during the conference. He suggested adding information in the survey about stressed assets.

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