The Health Ministry Requests Increased Security at Central Government Hospitals and Institutes


In an effort to improve hospital security, the Union Health Ministry has written to every head of Central Government hospitals and institutes. The Ministry has requested in writing that they install an adequate number of high-resolution CCTV cameras at key points, such as doors, windows, hallways, dim areas, and sensitive places. Additionally, a control room needs to be set up so that it can react quickly to an emergency. A sufficient number of professionally trained security guards should be assigned to ensure effective monitoring, patrolling, and surveillance of the hospital’s grounds.

The Ministry further stated that all hospital staff members must display their ID cards while on duty and that access and exit points should be closely supervised to permit entry only to authorized individuals. It is important to make the proper preparations to guarantee that every guest is observed. Additionally, in order to deter violence against healthcare professionals on hospital property, hospitals have been instructed to properly post the pertinent penal sections of state legislation. It further stated that training in identifying and handling security threats should be provided to all hospital employees, including physicians, nurses, and administrative staff.

They ought to be prepared with the necessary abilities to deal with emergencies. It further stated that entryways, parking lots, and duty locations used by female health care professionals should all have proper illumination, and that dark areas on campus should be documented. In close cooperation with the local police and emergency services, the Hospital Authority shall provide a coordinated reaction in the event of an incident. It also stated that female health workers should have access to a sufficient number of duty rooms that are well-secured and equipped with the necessities.