India Donates US$1.16 Million to the UN To Promote Hindi Language


1.16 million dollars have been contributed by India to the UN to support Hindi language initiatives. The cheque for the Hindi @ UN project, which aims to increase the usage of Hindi in the global organization, was given to Ian Phillips, the director of the News and Media Division of the UN’s Department of Global Communications (DGC), yesterday by R. Ravindra, the charge d’affaires of India’s Permanent Mission.

Since the start of the Hindi @ UN initiative in 2018, India and the DGC have collaborated to raise awareness of global issues among the millions of Hindi-speaking individuals who speak the language worldwide and to improve the public outreach of the UN in Hindi.

Every week, the United Nations broadcasts a news bulletin in Hindi on issues concerning the global organization. The global organization also runs a news website and Hindi-language X, Instagram, and Facebook accounts. There has been a drive to broaden the scope of multilingualism inside the UN, but funding is the primary barrier; as a result, India is funding the Hindi program.